Artery Studio, hadir kembali kali ini dengan sketsa desain rumah yang mungkin bisa menjadi inspirasi viewers tapi bedanya kali ini sketsa kemudian diwarnai. Gambar dibuat dengan menggunakan pensil dan cat air, Artery masih selalu perlu belajar nih supaya terus membaik dan mohon untuk diberi masukan di kolom komentar ya gaes. Dan tak lupa Artery mengajak penonton yang belum berlangganan agar berlangganan dengan Artery dan nikmati tontonan video-video menarik lainnya. Gratis kok dan gampang tinggal klik tombol berlangganan setelahnya kalian akan dapat menikmati video-video tentang seni yang menarik lainnya. Terimakasih buat yang sudah berlangganan klik tombol suka jika kalian suka, tulis komentar kalian dan bagikan video ini jika menurut kalian video ini bermanfaat bagi orang yang kalian perhatikan. Semangat beraktifitas walau tetap #DiRumahAja. Mari #Menggambar ! Selamat menonton. 😊
Artery Studio presented this time with a sketch of a house design that might inspire you all viewers but this time it's then colored. Drawings are made by using a pencil and watercolors, Artery still always needs to learn in order to continue to improve the quality and please you guys input the positive and the negative for this content on the comments column below. And we do not forget to inform you all viewers who have not yet subscribed in order to subscribe to this channel (Artery Studio) and enjoy watching other interesting videos. It's free and it's easy just by clicking the subscribe button afterwards you will be able to enjoy other interesting videos about art. Thank you for those who have subscribed, click the like button if you like, write your comments and share this video if you think this video is useful for the people you care about. Feel cheers your activity even though still #StayAtHome. Let's #Drawing ! Happy watching. 😊
About Music
Title: Lifting Dreams
Production: Aakashi Gandhi
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